Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Mid-Intensive Plateau

Last week felt like it flew by in a few days, and this week feels like it's dragging on and on. I think that's just because I'm excited to be going home. I feel like I've learned so much here and I want to go back to NAYB and see what they think! But I also want to get as much as I possibly can during this next week and a half. The instructors have been so enlightening, and I even got the chance to have two classes taught by American Ballet Theatre soloist, Craig Salstein! His classes were more about the complicated choreography and less about technique, so I had to really concentrate to not let myself slack off too much haha but that's just an example of the fact that class is what you make it.


I'm sure you all will like to know that Lily is doing fine. She's been a little nuts this week, but I think it might just be funky weather stuff that's making her be weird. I don't know much about dogs though so I hope we aren't doing anything wrong! I'm sure she's missing her real family though, but it's only 11 days till we leave and they come home! I think everybody is looking forward to going home, including Lily. ._.

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